Jin Shin Jyutsu for Animals


The gentle application of Jin Shin Jyutsu also offers the possibility to harmonize the life energy of your pet. It supports the self-healing and encourages communication between you and your animal companion.

Adele Leas, a Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner from New Orleans (USA), has spent many years studying Jin Shin Jyutsu on pets and has published a book on her practical experience with animal application.

Abbildung eines Buchcovers

Jin Shin Jyutsu for Your Animal Companion

The book is richly illustrated, describes individual flows and shows clearly the location of the “safety” energy locks for the most important pets such as dog, cat, horse as well as rabbits, guinea pigs and birds and is available in our shop.

In addition, double-sided illustrated laminated charts (dog/cat or  dog/ horse) that show the location of the “Safety” Energy Locks are also available in our shop.

Contact for Classes with Adele Leas in Europe (English with German translation):

Limburg / Westerwald (Germany): Ellen Schäfer,

Landquart (Switzerland):  Sonja Müller,

Jin Shin Jyutsu classes for animals in Austria: https://www.jsj.at/de/termine/tierkurse/

These classes are based on Mary Burmeister`s self-help book 1 and 2. Further content from the 5-Day Basic Seminars are not presented.