Hands-On Tip of the Week: Finger Pose No. VII

Touch palm of left and right middle fingers in folded hands position.

This finger pose aids releasing general daily tension/stress from the head, lungs, digestive functions, adomen and from the legs. Aids easier exhaling.

BE the Cosmic Unconditional Love – no limitations, no boundaries.

(Self-Help Book 3 by Mary Burmeister, p. 16)


Who is able to love is happy. (Hermann Hesse)

I am happiness. (What Mary says, p. 7)


BE love means that love comes into the world through us. We are love.


To conclude, three quotes from Mother Teresa:

If we want to love, we must learn to forgive.

If you want to change the world, love your family.

Spread love wherever  you are.

(Even while holding your fingers …)