Hands-On Tipp of the Week, Finger Pose No. IV

The first 4 finger poses connect us with our source of life, the “Main Central Vertical Harmonizing Energy”.

We are as harmonious or out of rhythm as is the energy supply from this source. In fact, this is our present state of being – in health or ailing. (Self-Help Book 1 by Mary Burmeister, p. 15)

Hold back of left thumb, index and middle fingers with right thumb. Place the rest of right fingers on palm side of left thumb, index and middle fingers. (Reverse for right side)

This finger pose aids releasing general daily fatigue tension/stress. It aids the releasing of one’s worries, fears and anger.

Always remember I AM FUN.
The body is the mirror of our thoughts.
90 % to even 100 %  of all one’s worries do not materialize in the state of awareness and understanding of Know Myself BE IT IS, IS.

(Self-Help Book 3 by Mary Burmeister, p. 13)

The mind is the source of bondage or liberation, sorrow or joy. (quote from “What Mary says”, p. 14)