Happy Birthday, Mary!

Today we celebrate the International Day of Jin Shin Jyutsu and at the same time the birthday of Mary Burmeister. Master Jiro Murai rediscovered the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu at the beginning of the 20th century and through Mary Burmeister Jin Shin Jyutsu came to America in the middle of the last century and  since then Jin Shin Jyutsu spread around the world. We remember Jiro and Mary with gratitude and like to feel connected to all people around the world who apply the Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu today.

As already announced today at 19.00h: International Get Together – Holding our fingers

At 20.00h (German local time) and 2 PM New York Time: Special Edition of “We Are One” (Self-Help Livestream), registration: https://jsjinc.net/weareone.php

And if you like to find out more about the origin of Jin Shin Jyutsu: a recent article of the Main Central Journal written by David Burmeister, Betsie Haar and Anita Willoughby was kindly made available to us: