Current tip of the week, today: Special Body Function Energy (5) (Textbook 2, page 54)

Today we want to look at one of the five Special Body Function Energy Flows.

These Special Body Function Energy Flows help our modern, worldly lifestyle and help quickly in acute situations (just like the Fatigue Flow (shorthand current tip for the week of August 19).

This flow gives energy (tiredness during the day) to our whole being and reduces stress.

We apply it to all daily pain and projects.

In addition, it helps with all deposits in the body and helps the mobility of all our limbs.

It also helps the opposite eye.

So you see, this flow is very versatile and you absolutely want to use it …

As a self-help, we put our thumb on the little fingernail.

We hope you enjoy trying it out!

Yours Jin Shin Jyutsu European-Office