New: Current Hands-On Tip of the Week, today: Mudra No. V

From now on we would like to offer you a current hands-on tip every week. These should simply be suitable for at home and for EVERYONE.

Today we would like to introduce you to MUDRA No. V (Self-Help Book 3, page 14).

After these exhausting hot days, this mudra helps us to come back to our center and to feel good again in our body.
It clears and harmonizes our entire waist level.

This finger position helps revitalizing all body functions. It helps to resolve or reduce everyday accumulations of tiredness.
It helps us to digest thoughts, feelings, experiences and food.

It harmonizes and digests EVERYTHING so that we feel connected and nourished.

We wish you lots of fun with this tip.

Yours Jin Shin Jyutsu European Office